Is Political Cast-ism not dangerous than the Caste-ism in the society?
Mr. Man Mohan Singh recently compared India ’s caste system to South Africa under apartheid. “Unsociability is not just social discrimination,” he said. “It is a blot on humanity.” Dr. Man Mohan Singh feels shame to describe his membership of an untouchable political caste who ruled Bharat being in minority. Is this not black spot on the democracy our glorious ancient Bharatiya Indian system?
The British 'caste system' is more prevalent than the Indian
On July 30, 07 Edward Hamala has analyze the British caste system in a practical way titled “The British ‘Caste System’ is more prevalent than the Indian”, which may be find at:
In fact British "caste system" that is even more prevalent, although it is well hidden and "invisible" in the British and some European societies including American, where the nobility still exist, than it is in Bharat today, where all noble titles have been abolished.
The British 'caste system' is more prevalent than the Indian
Is America without caste-ism?
Reality is that in every society has strata and ethnic groups. In modern America, we call these 'demographic segments' -- there are demographic segments such as 'inner city African Americans', 'rural Hispanics', 'suburban whites', 'Asian immigrants', etc. and these are common terms in consumer marketing. Some years before Rajiv Malhotra wrote a fine article on this subject.
The book The Invention of the White Race by Theodore W. Allen gives an interesting insight into how the demographic group we now call’ white' emerged.
Codified or un-codified caste system
A key difference is that in Bharat, caste became explicitly codified, whereas in America social structure by ethnicity or family lineage remains un-codified and subliminal. But what is commonly not pointed out today is that India's smritis (codified rules) pertaining to many topics including caste, were meant to be specific to a given time, place and cultural context and not intended as universal 'commandments' for all people at all times.
Naturally, there were hundreds of smritis made by different people at different times, covering various aspects of social life. Many smritis contradicted.
American caste system is like a kangaroo
The advantage of the un-codified, invisible and often denied phenomenon of the American caste system is that it does not become cast (excuse the pun) in concrete. Rather, the lack of rules make it porous and not impermeable, and open to change over time rather than static. American this system is like a kagaroo, which hides its neck in the sand to think that no one sees it.
Caste is no factor in Conversion
1) We cry about caste because that is the easiest thing to do. - That is the truth.
My question was - how come despite the existence of castes Shivaji managed to turn the tide of constant Hindu defeats establish an Independent, sovereign Hindu kingdom?
(2) Muslims too have their castes and practise unsociability. This confession comes from Dr Ambedkar himself. Please see his book entitled Thoughts on Pakistan published in the 1940s. He quotes from census of Bengal of 1901 and had to confess that Muslims have hierarchy of castes and practise unsociability just as Hindus.
This truth is ignored by Dalits, because it hurts.
(1) What happened in the days of Shivaji? Castes did exist. And yet despite formidable odds he succeeded in overthrowing Muslim rulers and establishing his independent, sovereign Hindu state. His cabinet consisted of 8 ministers, 7 were Brahmins. They became Ministers NOT because they were Brahmins, but because they were warriors and took part in all Shivaji's campaigns.
What happened in the days of Peshwas? Bajirao found that Brahmin knights were not supporting him. So, he set them aside and raised non-Brahmins like Shinde, Holkar, Pawar, and Gaikawad to become his generals. They rose to those positions NOT because they belonged to particular caste, but because they proved to be fighters.
So, why do we cry about the existence of castes?
Muslims too have caste system.
In India Buddhists became Muslims because they just could NOT fight, not because they did not have castes. =
Rationale for conversion of Hindus
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. The rationale that Varnashrama of the Hindu is the reason for the conversion of Hindus to Christianity by Christian Missionaries and Islam religion is total-tommyrot. It conceals and trivializes the true intention of the Missionaries, which motivates them to specifically target Hindus for conversion. It covers up the aggressive Ideology of Christianity,
Christianity has nothing but contempt for all Non-Christian Infidels of the world, who are labeled as Heathens / Pagans. Christians are more than 110 % certain that, there is no hope for these Heathens, they are on their way to Hell, and it is the duty of a Christian, to save them from this terrible fate, by converting them to Christianity, no matter what it takes. There is no other way that a Non-Christian Heathen can have access to Heaven.
2. Because of the aggressive nature of Christian Ideology, and the teaching of its Gospel of Hate, the sight of a single Non-Christian Heathen in the world, is a pain in the A** to a Christian. That is why a Christian has an Unlimited-Yearning to convert and conquer the entire Non-Christian world; he wants the whole world to be ruled by Jesus Christ. Like Islam, Christianity is a Replacement Religion; it came to replace all Non-Christian religions. It did not come to make peace with Non-Christian religions, but to eradicate all Non-Christian religions. Because of this cardinal reason, it has never conducted any constructive criticism of any Non-Christian religion, it has always considered itself at war with these Non-Christian religions, and has sought to uproot the culture and traditions of the converted people.
3. Because of this fundamental drive, in Bharat / India the Christians want not only to convert Hindus to become Christians, but to turn the converted Hindus into Collaborators, in demolishing Hinduism in the country of India, by destroying the beliefs of the Hindu in his Hinduism. Thus Christianity's war against the Heathen religions of the world is a sweeping war in totality.
To label Christianity as a problem only, undermines the crookedness of Christianity, and jeopardizes the survival of the Hindus. Christianity, like Islam, is a Monster, a Dragon, bent upon swallowing the entire Non-Christian flock of the world, and must be resolutely confronted. Any Hindu who thinks that he can calm the fury of the Christian-Dragon, or that Christianity can be modified, amended, or altered, belongs on the Funny-Farm, he is the biggest fool in the world. He is totally unable to grasp the fact that Christianity's terrible animus against Non-Christian religions, is in the nature of the beast (the Christian beast).
4. There are three more things about Christianity, that needs to be studied. We must ask the Hindu leaders to come out in open and talk in simple and clear words that this is the last and final battle to save Hindu-India. The BJP MUST HAVE LEARNT THE LESSON IN 2004 DEFEAT. There is no room for second blunder. BJP must declare its Hindu Agenda. BJP must not follow the policy of appeasement of Muslims /Christians.
It must be clear to them that Muslims will not vote them. They are all for Islamic Congress party of Sonia Gandhi or other pro-Muslim parties.
The solution is not easy to come. Even the BJP government dared not introduce a law banning forceful conversions - what did their committed Hindu voters get out of their rule? Nothing. So it is important to create a Hindu vote bank irrespective of these politicians and vote for those who will not at least harm the Hindu interests.
The Phoney-Liberal government of UPI in India.
It is not at all visible to the phoney-liberal politicians, who are wearing blind-folds, that:
To the Moslems, the Non-Moslem Kafirs are the most despised sections of the population. To the Christians, the Non-Christian infidels are headed for hell; they must surely be saved from going to hell, by force, fraud, treachery and torture. Both Islam and Christianity are competitive in this area, and the slaughter of the Hindu, at the hands of both these creeds is sure to follow, in the not too distant future. The non-existential toleration of the Moslem and Christian mind is a sure guarantee of this outcome. Of course, Hindus are tolerant and polite. But we could drown ourselves in politeness. The trend toward damage and destruction of the Hindu, is more likely to persist than reverse, conditions being what they are, and the virtues of the composite culture being painted in the brightest colors, and glowing tributes being paid to it, by the phoney-liberal politicians of India. The negatives of this kind of composite culture are being played down. Hindu power, culture, influence, and demographic strength are being diluted and demolished step by step, city by city, district by district. The Hindu culture which is the native and presidential culture of India, which is a culture of give and take, which is a culture of humanistic concepts, is being replaced by the barbarian ideologies and the Semitic cultures of Islam and Christianity, through the folly of the phoney-liberal politicians of India. But the biggest folly, in this shooting-script, is the disregard of the Hindu, for his own welfare and survival. Though the Intellectual and Financial Resources of the Hindu, are far in excess of corresponding resources of the Moslem and of the Christian, the Hindu is prepared neither mentally nor psychologically, to get his act together, and prepare himself for strong countermeasures. In other words, the Hindu's guns are jammed. There is not much pro-Hindu media in Bharat either.
This jamming suspends all determination and working of the Hindu system, it puts the Hindu in the gun-sights of the vipers of Islam and Christianity, and invites both these sadistic-savages, to take pot-shots at the
Hindu. It is like displaying the red-rag before the bull, and telling him:
Bull: Come and Hit Me.
Savarkar’s Views:
Savarkar once gave an easy definition of HINDU. He said, "anyone who is going to be attacked by Muslims is a Hindu."
Thus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists and Dalits cannot escape being defined Hindu.
If the Hindus did not have a sense of belonging, how is it that they withstood and survived nine centuries of blood-curdling tyrannical rule and attempts at forceful conversions of the Muslims, and three centuries of rule and cunning allurements to become Christians of the powerful Europeans?
You say Caste is our downfall, but how? There were no castes in Egypt , Syria , Iraq , Iran , Turkey and Afghanistan . How is it they got converted to Islam in no time but the so called caste ridden Hindustan survived and remained Hindu? Here also, where caste bindings had become weak because of the influence of Buddhism, people of Eastern Bihar and East Bengal (present Bangla Desh) became predominantly Muslim while Delhi , U.P., Haryana, Madhya Pradesh etc remained firmly Hindu?
For Stopping Conversion
The only solution, and probably the cheapest and fastest is to create our own Hindu media which will take the so called secular media head on. All these issues of forced conversions, setu samudram are NOT highlighted by the existing media. The anti Hindu media led by Christian fanatics are having a free run.
It is absolutely amazing that a giant organisation like RSS has got only two weekly news papers, ORGANISER & PANCHAJANYA which has got a circulation of few thousands.
Why can't we have media of the size and power of IBN, STAR, Indian Express etc? We are all intelligent people. If VHP can collect 2000 crores to build the ram temple, why can't they collect money to start a 24 hour news channel in India ? Every single news channel is busy spreading lies about Hindus. CNN/IBN & STAR TV are the worst.
The frustration which we are venting out in this forum is fine but we need a BIG voice. Time is fast running out for Hindus.
There are news papers like PIONEER which are on our side. If they are funded properly they can take on the anti Hindu media.
People should talk about learning media skills or least sending their own children to learn journalistic skills Before having Hindu media, Hindus people must first need to learn to acquire the skills by doing courses and other ways of learning media and presentation techniques.
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Is caste responsible for conversion of Hindus? - Mohan Gupta
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Mr.Gupta, did you live atleast in the status of untouchable, unseeable, unapproachable duly recognised by the masses of India. If yes, you would not have written this article.You will feel sense of caste, if you face the consequences of caste. Is there any religion called as Hindi. As per Supreme Court of India, Hindi means a way of life-style. Crores of people in India is not accepting this way of life based on so-called Hindu. They changed themselves into a way of life such as Buddhism, where they follow in letter and spirit the Constitution of India's novel premble such as equality, justice, liberty, fraternity whch is far contrary in so-called Hindu. Tragedy of Shivaji is well-known how he was ill-treated by the so-called Upper caste Brahmins during his reign. Follow for living life the Constitution of India. Read it. It completely matches with the oldst Indian culture i.e. Buddha teaching and philosophy. If you have any querry, contact me.
Mr. Ravindra I would like you to answer my 2 questions?
1) Will the Indian Culture and tradition in India flourish or last if Hinduism vanishes?
2) Are religions like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikh are based on Hinduism?
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